When searching the streaming collections, you may have to try different search strategies.
For example: In Films on Demand use a combination of keywords such as "Latinos in theatre" and films regarding this topic will come up in the results list.
Another tip is to use the "Browse" or "Subject" search of the streaming video database that is being searched.
For example: In DocuSeek click on "Subject." If you scroll down the page you'll see a listing for "performing art." Clicking on the subject will bring you a wide range of results. You can narrow down the results using the filters provided by the database and entering, for example, "mexican american."
The following are guides & recommended information and examples from other universities/campuses.
Powers, Beth, and Peter B. Duffy. “Making Invisible Intersectionality Visible Through Theater of the Oppressed in Teacher Education.” Journal of Teacher Education, vol. 67, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 61–73, doi:10.1177/0022487115607621.