Legal Resources
Faxin - Epidemic Prevention (in Chinese)
Database of Chinese laws, cases and legal commentaries regarding epidemic prevention.
Education Based Resources
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
Data visualization tool on cases, deaths, and recovery
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy- contains a bibliography, link to news, and other online resources
LabXchange- Coronavirus: From Bats to Humans to Epidemic
What do bats have to do with coronaviruses? As it turns out, the adaptation to flight may be what turned bats into perfect virus reservoirs. One of these viruses, the new coronavirus, likely jumped the species barrier to humans causing the initial 2019 outbreak in China. This pathway explores the outbreak from the perspective of medical professionals working to accurately diagnose and treat patients, scientists racing to understand the source of the outbreak, and public health officials implementing solutions to control its spread
Academic Conferences Cancelled or Postponed
Managed by academic librarian Anne Marie Gruber, Assistant Professor of Library Services, University of Northern Iowa
College and University Responses
Colleges and Universities closed for COVID-19
Data on colleges and universities closing or moving online. This is a crowd sourced document so please add to the information.
Brown University- Coronavirus Updates
Updates and information about Brown University's continued preparedness, action and response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Columbia | Preparedness - COVID-19
COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus): Frequently Asked Questions.
Cornell University- Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Updates
Resources, updates, and FAQ.
Dartmouth News- COVID-19: Coronavirus Information
Contains links to: Important Updates, Community Messages, Task Force, Key Facts, Public Health Information, Campus Operations, and Community Resources.
Duke University Coronavirus Response
Contains general information, Duke Travel Registry, FAQ, and latest updates.
Harvard University- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information related to class and residential restrictions, community messages, travel policies, and resources.
MIT- COVID-19 Update
Latest updates and news, guidance on travel, and event updates.
Princeton University COVID-19: Coronavirus Information
Information overview, class updates, events and meetings, travel updates, prevention, resources, university communications, and FAQ
Stanford University | Health Alerts response to COVID-19
Information on response, resources, remote teaching and working, news and announcements.
The University of Chicago- Coronavirus Updates
Information for latest updates, public health information, how to protect yourself, travel advisories, travel guidelines, support, and further questions.
University of Pennyslvania- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
News and statements, Information for faculty/staff, students, visitors. Links to information about COVID-19, and Questions.
Yale University Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Updates, guidance on campus meetings and events, travel and health information, visiting campus, precautions, announcements, and more.