Over the last century, higher education underwent an enormous metamorphosis. Few industries expanded as quickly and had as much effect on the American population as the increased access to post-secondary education. In addition, the introduction of the GI bill in 1944, although meant to be simply an anti-Depression bill, had a much more significant impact on veterans and higher education institutions than initially assumed. This led to an overall expansion of higher education institutions in the 1970s–1980s. The recommended resources will address some of this history, including issues that arose from its development.
From the Beginning: Development of For-Profit Higher Education in the United States. (2006). ASHE Higher Education Report, 31(5), 13–24.
Lazerson, M. (1998). The disappointments of success: Higher education after World War II. The American Academy of Political and Social Science Annals, 559, 64-76. Retrieved September 23, 2020, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/1049607
Leslie, W. B. (2017). From tumult to benign neglect: The strange career of the history of American higher education in the 1970s. The Review of Higher Education, 3(3), 3–7. https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.usf.edu/10.1353/rhe.1980.0007
Roger L. Kemp. (2017). From the military service to the public service: Thanks to the G.I. Bill. National Civic Review, 106(4), 59–61. https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.usf.edu/10.1002/naticivirevi.106.4.0059
Scott David W. (2008). The transformation of higher education in the 1960s: Master plans, community colleges, and merging universities. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1998-), 101(2), 177–192.
Taylor, B. P. (2020). American higher education since World War II: A history. American Educational History Journal, 47 (1). pp 107-111.