Immigration Statistics: Statistical reports and publications from the Department of Homeland Security. Includes access to the annual Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (1996- ).
U.S. Census Data by Subjects: Points to census data resources. Arranged alphabetically by subject (see especially: foreign born, immigration, international migration).
Removal Statistics: ICE statistics on individuals removed from the U.S.
Statistical Abstract of the United States: Presents federal statistics on a range of subjects. (Tip: rather than browsing the topical sections, try loading the pdf version and then search the index for relevant terms - e.g. foreign born population, immigrants. Numbers noted in the index are for table numbers, not page numbers.)
Environmental and Health Issues:
International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico: IBWC is tasked with finding binational solutions to issues that arise during the application of United States-Mexico treaties regarding boundary demarcation, national ownership of waters, sanitation, water quality, and flood control in the border region.
U.S.-Mexico Border 2020: An EPA program emphasizing regional, bottom-up approaches for decision making, priority setting, and project implementation to address the environmental and public health problems in the border region.
United States-Mexico Border Health Commission: Binational health commission established in 2000, whose mission is to provide international leadership to optimize health and quality of life along the U.S.-México border.
United States - Mexico Public Health: Consult this resource for U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information about U.S.-México border health information.
Government Information:
Center for Immigration Studies (CIS): Organization for research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States. Features news, articles, and publications as well as topics that reflect concerns of the U.S. government, such as terrorism and national security, population and the environment, and guest workers. Includes an Employer Sanctions Database
National Immigration Law Center (NILC): Find issue briefs, articles, and other material about "immigration, public benefits, and employment laws affecting immigrants and refugees." Also provides an analysis of pending immigration reform legislation, which includes topics such as guest workers, driver's licenses, and border controls. Other features include links to related federal and California sites and information for Hurricane Katrina survivors. From an organization "dedicated to protecting and promoting the rights of low-income immigrants and their family members."
The Wilson Center: As part of the larger Wilson Institute - the Mexico Institute seeks to improve understanding, communication, and cooperation between Mexico and the United States by promoting original research, encouraging public discussion, and proposing policy options for enhancing the bilateral relationship. A binational Advisory Board, chaired by Luis Téllez Kuenzler and Earl A. Wayne, oversees the work of the Mexico Institute.