Primary source documents from Asia, all with 'DBQs' (document-based questions). Search by time period (4000 BCE to the 21st century) or region (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Southeast Asia). A project of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University.
The Avalon Project: Indochina - Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
Documents in law, history, and diplomacy related to Indochina, covering the time period from 1950 to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident in 1964.
China Historical Geographic Information System (CHGIS)
CHGIS provides scholars and researchers a database of administrative units and populated areas in China from the unification (222 B.C.E.) through the end of the dynastic period (1911 C.E.). With access to this wealth of statistical information, users of CHGIS can easily search and track the changes to all recorded geographical entities in Chinese history. They can compare such evolutions to current geographic formations.
A subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks from Fordham University's History Sourcebook project: Internet Ancient History, Internet Medieval History, and Internet Modern History. Along with added texts and related web resources.
A subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks from Fordham University's History Sourcebook project: Internet Ancient History, Internet Medieval History, and Internet Modern History. Along with added texts and related web resources. Topics covered include Indus Valley cultures, the Vedic Age, the formation of religious traditions, Medieval India, Greek and Chinese sources on India, Muslim era India, the Western intrusion, Indian nationalism, India since independence, Pakistan since independence, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, and Indian genders and sexualities.
International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online
The cave library in Dunhuang—an oasis town on the Silk Road in western China—remained sealed and secluded for over a millennium until 1900. The International Dunhuang Project provides access to the wealth of manuscripts, documents, paintings, and artifacts that have been excavated from the cave, complete with cataloging and contextual information.
A collection of historical texts, interactive maps, and other resources exploring cultural interaction across Eurasia from the beginning of the Common Era (A. D.) to the Seventeenth Century. A project of the Simpson Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington.