Appropriate Technology:
- Appropriate Technology Movement (NCAT, ATTRA, non-profit organizations, private enterprises)
- Renewable Energy (wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, etc.)
- Ecological Design
- Sustainable agriculture (USDA, LISA/SARE program)
- Technology assessment (Congressional Office of Technology Assessment)
- The New Urbanism/land-use planning (EPA)
- Economic growth debate
- Organic standards/labeling
- Amish and technology
- self-sufficiency, technology, and the environment (Borsodi, 1960's back-to-the-land movement)
- Agricultural biotechnology: genetic diversity; genetic drift; patent issues; human health (USDA, EPA, FDA)
- Green Revolution (Rockefeller Foundation, Norman Borlaug)
- Perennial Polyculture (Land Institute)
- Factory farming/industrial agriculture (USDA, EPA, FDA)
- Organic standards/labeling
- Sustainable agriculture (USDA, LISA/SARE program)
Early Conservationists/Preservationists:
- John Wesley Powell
- George Perkins Marsh
- John Burroughs
- Frederic Law Olmsted
- John Muir
- Gifford Pinchot
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Bob Marshall
- Aldo Leopold
- Lewis Mumford
Governmental Policy:
- Climate Change
- Acid Rain
- Land-Use Planning
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Fuel efficiency standards (cars)
- Technology assessment (Congressional Office of Technology Assessment)
- Forest fire policy: suppression, controlled burns, etc. (FEMA)
- Sagebrush Rebellion
- Love Canal case (EPA, NYS)
- Three Mile Island, 1978)
- Storm King case, 1965 (Sierra club, NYS, Consolidated Edison Corp.)
- Eastman Kodak case (EPA, NYS)
- Agent Orange (DOD)
- Exxon Valdez oil spill, 1989
- Santa Barbara oil spill, 1969
"Natural" Disasters:
- Forest fire policy: suppression, controlled burns, etc. (FEMA)
- Earthquakes (FEMA)
- Floods (FEMA)
- Landslides (FEMA)
- Hazardous waste (EPA)
- Recycling
- Pesticides
- Nuclear waste disposal (DOE)
- Oil spills (Santa Barbara, 1969; Exxon Valdez, 1989)
- Ozone depletion (EPA)
- Fuel efficiency standards (cars)
- Automobile and environment (cars vs. wilderness/parks, cars, and suburban sprawl)
- Asbestos (EPA)
- Lead poisoning/tetraethyl lead (EPA, NIH)
- Love Canal case (EPA, NYS)
- Eastman Kodak case (EPA, NYS)
- Agent Orange (DOD)
Population and Land-Use Issues:
- Population control
- Suburban sprawl/land-use planning (EPA)
- Automobile and environment (cars vs. wilderness/parks, cars, and suburban sprawl)
- Conservation Land Trusts and Community Land Trusts
- Resource depletion
- Factory farming/industrial agriculture (USDA, EPA, FDA)
- Sustainable agriculture (USDA, LISA/SARE program)
- Space Colonization (NASA)
- self-sufficiency, technology, and the environment (Borsodi, 1960's back-to-the-land movement)
Resource Depletion:
- Factory farming/industrial agriculture (USDA, EPA, FDA)
- Oil dependency
- Ozone depletion (EPA)
- Fuel efficiency standards (cars)
- Mining and environmental degradation (EPA, Bureau of Mines)
- Sustainable agriculture (USDA, LISA/SARE program)
- Space colonization (NASA)
- Appropriate technology movement
- self-sufficiency, technology, and the environment (Borsodi, 1960's back-to-the-land movement)
Sustainable versus Industrial Agriculture:
- Sustainable agriculture (USDA, LISA/SARE program, non-profit organizations)
- Community Supported Agriculture
- Organic standards/labeling
- Agricultural biotechnology: genetic diversity; genetic drift; human health (USDA, EPA, FDA)
- Technology assessment (Congressional Office of Technology Assessment)
- Amish and technology
- Appropriate technology movement
- self-sufficiency, technology, and the environment (Borsodi, 1960's back-to-the-land movement)
- Pollution (EPA)
- Resource depletion
- Pesticides
- Factory farming/industrial agriculture (USDA, EPA, FDA)
- River dams and irrigation projects (Bureau of Reclamation, Army Corps of Engineers)
- Economic growth debate
Technological Disasters:
- Oil Spills (Santa Barbara, 1969; Exxon Valdez, 1989)
- Love Canal case (EPA, NYS)
- Three Mile Island, (1978)
- Ozone depletion and Climate Change (EPA)
- Deforestation
- Strip Mining (EPA, Bureau of Mines)
- Dam Breaks