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Tome Raider - RRO Interactive Library Tour

Self-guided tour of the University Library. Contains audio clips for the Tome Raider game and transcripts for hearing-impaired.

Station #2, East Service Desk


NOLEN: This must be the standard circulation desk seen in every library. This must be a go-to spot for checking out books and other equipment, including... Ah, are these study room keys? We can definitely use these to investigate the rooms later. I’ll borrow some of these.
(There is a jingle of keys)
There are also some laptops and whiteboards that I imagine were used to be checked out by students. I know a few people that would pay a pretty penny for a whiteboard these days.
Looks like we got ourselves some elevators.
Two pairs of elevators in fact! The one on the other side, by the public computers, seems to take you to the Stacks sections for books and designated quiet study areas. I heard rumors that the fifth floor of the Stacks—in particular—is a sight to behold!
The elevators in front of me are the East Elevators. My creative senses tell me there is a lot to see on the second floor.
(Pushes button. Elevator dings)
Let’s check it out.
End recording…