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Tome Raider - RRO Interactive Library Tour

Self-guided tour of the University Library. Contains audio clips for the Tome Raider game and transcripts for hearing-impaired.

Station #5, Study Hub, Public Computers, & More


NOLEN: Back to the first floor. I decided to venture into what I believe they considered the second half of the library. Oh look, there is some labeling…it reads “Study Hub.”
This could only mean that this area was used for…studying…
And Jonathan from HR wondered why I got paid the big bucks.
Anyway, this appears to be a nice group study area. And according to flyers I found strewn about, the hours were rather generous even being open 24 hours during special academic periods like finals.
I also see lots of computers loaded with the latest software. Plus, printers and scanners.
With comfortable furniture and arms reach access to study tools, this is easily the most idyllic study space I’ve seen.