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Book Reads

The guide will accompany the Fall 2023 Book Read

Poster for Book Read - registration link below

Session Flyer

Speaker Information

Dr. Catharine R. Franklin

Catharine R. Franklin specializes in the history of the nineteenth-century American West, with an emphasis on indigenous peoples and the United States Army.  Her work upends the story of the so-called “Indian Wars.”  

A native New Yorker, Dr. Franklin earned a B.A. in English Literature and American Studies from The City College of New York, and the M.A. and Ph.D in History at the University of Oklahoma.  She serves on the editorial board of Montana: The Magazine of Western History and maintains close relationships with Native scholars and friends across Indian Country.

The title of the talk for October 16 is "Thítȟuŋwaŋ  Wiƞyan: Lakota Women, Then, Now, and Always."