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Gale Digital Scholar Lab: Support

Access the Gale Digital Scholar Lab from the University Libraries website by clicking on "Databases A-Z" and then "Trials." This guide is used courtesy of Gale.


The Gale Research Showcase is an open-access repository of student-written digital scholarship. Projects in the Gale Research Showcase are write-ups of individual or group research conducted in Gale Digital Scholar Lab. The Lab enables the application of natural language processing tools to Gale's wide range of primary source archives, or to user-uploaded data.

Watch the video below for an overview on how to create a project within the Lab, and submit it for inclusion in the Gale Research Showcase. (3:33 minutes)

With the Gale Research Showcase, you can:

  • Find digital humanities research examples to enhance instruction and engage students with vetted research outcomes. 
  • Encourage students to explore the Showcase to spark ideas for research projects.
  • Motivate early-career researchers to submit their own projects to gain valuable experience with the review and publishing process.
  • Support career readiness by helping students develop digital literacy skills.