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Sequential Art

This guide relates to resources on sequential art also known as comics and graphic novels.


These are just a handful of the many databases that could be used to study sequential art and related topics available through the Texas Tech Unviersity Library.

Journals and Articles

The TTU Libraries hold a number of print journals, which can also be found through the Library Catalog.  In addition to print, patrons can access several E-Journals online.

Newspapers and Magazines

Rob's Guides

Welcome, I am the personal librarian for The College of Visual and Performing Arts as well as Film Studies. I am also known as the Popular Culture Librarian.

Students, staff, or faculty are welcome to visit in person, by email, or by phone for any library or research questions. 

So what do personal librarians do?

  • help with any questions you have about the library
  • help you find articles, books, and other resources
  • help you request materials through Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan 
  • help you create citations and use citation style guides
  • help distance students navigate library resources

These are the subject guides I manage: