Please note this product has several names most commonly it is referred to as Endnote Web but you will see Endnote Basic and EndNote Online used as well.
EndNote (desktop version) ) is a tool for managing and citing references in papers and creating bibliographies. EndNote Online (Web) is a web-based platform that complements EndNote desktop nicely.
Create your EndNote account online.
Then use the materials to learn both EndNote and EndNote Online.
This will open a popup window that has the citations in RIS format. You will then need to right click on the mouse to get to the "save as" tool. Click on save as, and a save as window will popup. See next figure.
Now you must save this file as a .ris file. To do this, change the .html to .ris. Make sure you give it a name you can remember and put it someplace where you can find it. I usually label mine as endnote citations.ris and put it on the desktop of my computer.