Privileges may vary for individuals because you must be enrolled in courses at the TTUHSC to have full patron access. TTU students have reduced privileges. Details can be found at their website at Library Access Privileges: TTUHSC
Preston Smith Hours and Contacts
Library collections are available in print and electronic formats. Physical collections relevant to Health Careers can be found in the University Library. Additionally, we also offer digital equipment for documentation in various formats in our Digital Media Studio.
You can search for both print and electronic journals, conferences, books and other media using the federated search from the Libraries' main web page. Records provided in this database search will give you a link to read the item, the physical location for of holdings based on building and call number, or will provide you with a streamlined method of requesting them from interlibrary loan.
You may also be interested in the library anatomical model collection. These items are available for student use in the library and for faculty class-period check-out.
From, look for Web of Science on the left side of the screen, click on it.
Now use the Sign In in the top black bar. You may need to create an account by registering. If you have an online Endnote account this is the same account sign in like you would for that.
Once you are in, now run your searches. You will need to run every search you want to have an alert for and then do the following.
From the results screen, click on the button CREATE an alert with the bell icon. A pop window appears so you can name this search – I suggest you name it the terms you used or something that will make it different than the others you will create. Below the name you can see the send me email alerts is already checked. Click the new button Create alert at bottom of pop up window.
Now the window changes and you can see the emails will come weekly, if you need to change something click manage alerts.