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College of Education

This guide provides a brief overview of resources available through the University Libraries. Specialized Guides are available for subdisciplines held within the College of Education.


Theses and Dissertations

Make Google Scholar Work for You!

Setting Google Scholar to work with the TTU Libraries allows you to use Google Scholar as your database, by allowing you to get the materials from the TTU libraries. Therefore the materials are creditable and reliable. 

Step 1. To change the settings click on the three dashesthree dashes in the upper left corner.

Step 2.  Click ongear iconSettings at the bottom of the slide out menu. 

Step 3. Click on Library links on far left.

Step 4. Type Texas Tech and nothing else.

Screenshot of Google Scholar with Library Links open

Step 4. Click on the box to include Texas Tech Univ. Libraries - FT@TTULib.

Step 5. Click Save.