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Oral History

A guide to oral history resources at the Southwest Collection and beyond.

Remote Interviewing Overview

Sometimes in person interviews are not possible. Conducting a remote interview comes with its own set of challenges and considerations one must consider:

  • What level of technology is your interviewee comfortable with?
  • Can you get a quality recording with whatever set up you discuss?
  • To what extent will the mediated nature of a remote interview impact the interview overall?

The Oral History Association created a list of resources in the wake of COVID-19 shutdowns; of note is the decision tree [pdf] when considering remote interviewing.

Interested in learning more about remote interviewing? Check out Oral History at a Distance, written by folks at the Baylor University Institute for Oral History and published in 2024 by Routledge. 

Over the Phone Tips

Options for recording phone calls. If you are calling via a cell phone:


Tips for phone calls:

  • Always test the connection and software prior to conducting the interview. Troubleshoot methods to get the best possible audio quality.
  • Ask for interviewee to find a quiet space that will ensure minimal interruptions. Remind them to silence any alarms or things that might go off during the interview.
  • Ensure that your cell signal (or wifi) is strong.

Via Zoom Information

Resources for conducting zoom oral history interviews::