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College of Health & Human Sciences

This guide will be useful as a resource for often overlooked library information for the College of Human Sciences user.

Faculty Information

This page currently contains information that I think would be useful to most faculty.  I discuss how and where to find measurements for journals, and authors. I briefly discuss copyright and how you can use that information in your classes as well as how it may impact you as an author. If you think I should include other items here, feel free to suggest an addition. 


Sherpa/ RoMEO is a useful tool for authors to know their copyrights. By knowing what the journal allows, you can be an informed author as you decide which journal is best to work with as you publish. Of course this is just one factor in that decision, you also have to weigh the journal's  acceptance rate, impact factor, and reputation in the field of study. 

Impact Factor, SJR, JCR, and h-index measurements - and how to use them!

Impact Factor is the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.

SJR is SCImago Journal Ranking that is weighted by the prestige of a journal: subject field, quality, and reputation of the journal have a direct effect on the value of a citation. 

JCR stands for Journal Citation Reports that include the impact factors from InCites Journal Citation Reports. 

h-index is measuring how many citations regardless of where you published you have garnered in your career. 


To locate these measurements use the various library databases and resources below. Depending on your department you may be required to include some of these in your dossier. 


Steps for using Scopus to find SJR:SJR

From library.ttu.edulook below the Find Articles and then click Scopus which is the sixth one from the top. On the next screen you may need to select TTU as your provider, click on the check box and continue or you may be automatically sent to the homepage of Scopus.  Now, select Sources above the green bar near the top of the page, it is second from the left.  Change the dropdown menu from subject to title. Then enter the journal name to the left and click on the find sources button. In the results, find the item you need and click on the title. The data will be displayed for that journal. For information about the calculations click on theinformational inext to the number you want to learn more about, it discusses how each number is calculated.


Steps for using Web of Science to find JCR:JCR

To look for impact factors you will need to use Web of Science, from library.ttu.edulook below the Find Articles and then click Web of Science. It is the second to last one listed.  This will take you to the homepage of Web of Science. Here look at the top of the screen in the blue line for Journal Citation Reports.  You may have to click on continue to get through. Now you should be on a screen that on the top left hand side you will see InCites Journal Citation Reports.  You can now search for your journal, enter a title in the search box. Once you run a search it will display the journal name if the journal is indexed in Web of Science.  Click on the title, to get to the record, you will now see the title of the journal at the top of the page and the impact factor will be labeled on a chart.  If nothing comes back then the journal is not index in Web of Science. 


Can't Find the Journal:

You may run into a journal not being indexed in Scopus or Web of Science, if you do I would try to see if the journal has a website itself as a lot of times on the homepage for the journal it will list the impact factor. However, most do not calculate the SJR. 


google scholar edit profile

Steps for using Goolge Scholar to find h-index:

You will need to set up a profile in Google Scholar. To do this go to google scholar, click on my profile in the top left corner, then sign in with a gmail account. Once signed in, be sure to click on the pencil to edit your profile where you can list your affiliation, areas of interest, and include your email to be verified. To add articles, use the add plus signselect add article groups, add articles, add articles manually depending on what you need to accomplish. Now that your profile is complete, look to the right side and notice the h-index as been calculated for you. It show your total h-index and then the last 5 years h-index. To see the how the h-index is calculated, click on the words, h-index and it will give you a definition. 

Embargo Holds Any Author Can Select

There are 6 different options you can select when submitting your Thesis or Dissertation:

None:  The work will be published after approval. This option will be published 3 months after your graduation date.

Journal Hold: The work will be delayed for publication by one year because of a restriction from publication in an academic journal.

Patent Hold:  The work will be delayed for publication by two years because of patent related activities.

5-Year Hold:  The work will be withheld for five (5) years. Should the work require release within that five year period, the student should contact the Texas Tech University Library. Should a longer release time be required, the student should contact the Library before the five-year mark.

TTU Access Only:  The work will be available to TTU campus only or to those who have an eRaider ID. Changing this access requires contacting the Texas Tech University Library.

Indefinite:  The work will be delayed for publication through TTU by an indefinite amount of time to be determined by the author or 150 years.

If you need to change your embargo status, please contact the TTU Libraries. Only Author can make changes to the status.  

Interested in Publishing a Textbook? TTU Libraries can help!

Interested in publishing a textbook? TTU Libraries can help!
Texas Tech University Libraries invites faculty to submit textbook proposals to our new publishing program, RAIDER Publishing.


To learn about RAIDER Publishing, review the brief overview of the program (below) and peruse our guide.

Then,  if you'd like to submit a proposal, review our submission guidelines before completing a proposal.

Or, if you'd like to discuss a potential project or learn more about the program, please contact Heidi Winkler, Digital Services Librarian, at

Interested in creating OER? Explore our new PressbooksEDU platform!

Explore OER best practices with the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Open Educational Resources!