Texas Tech Dataverse Collection: Login with your eraider
Dryad: Login with your ORCID or create one on the site
ThinkTech: Login with your eraider
Contact matthew.mceniry@ttu.edu for any questions about these repositories.
Individual consultations for data management plans can be requested by emailing Matthew McEniry. Meetings can be conducted virtually using Zoom/Teams or in-person at the University Library.
Information that you will need to bring to the consultation are as follows:
1.) A knowledge of all the data that you'll be generating for this proposal.
2.) A knowledge of what format the above data will be.
3.) Where your data will live and be stored at during the award period.
4.) Where your data will be preserved after the award period.
5.) How you would like to give access to your data after the award period.
6.) Identify roles within your group for who will facilitate the data management plan and any backups in personnel if necessary.