The purpose of the Chicana/x Latina/x Working Group @TTU is to stir dialog on the influence of Chicana feminist and Latina Thought and Theory in the new millennium. In the wake of their newly attained HSI status, our institution is gaining its bearings as it learns to perform as a Hispanic Serving Institution. For this reason, and with the growth in ethnic studies, it is critical that we continue our research and forge dialog, presence, and representation.
This group meets monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters at the TTU Campus. Part of each meeting is to discuss how to integrate Chicana/x Latina/x Thought and Theory in curriculum, practices, and in the institutional climate. There is a rich interdisciplinary, intersectional, and critical discourses in the new millennium that stem from Chicana feminist and Latina perspectives, and we wish to further the conversation. The other portion of the meetings is to dedicated writing time, as this group is comprised of members with ongoing research. We will meet, eat, engage in critical dialog, and write.
The core members of this group are Texas Tech faculty, staff, and graduate students. However, the group is open to any other faculty, staff, students, community members inside and outside the institution that are working on research aligned with the purpose of this group. This group is open to all genders, gender queer, or non-genders. It is also not limited to any one ethnicity or race. ANYBODY can be influenced by and be working on research from Chicana/x Latina/x thought and theory. Many of the key texts that are central to our research in this group are Chicana feminist, which is why we kept the word Chicana. We see the "x" as inclusive of all genders.
For October's meeting (Oct. 21st), CLWG will again meet at the Libraries’ Makerspace (see attached flyer). This month's discussion will revolve around the Arpilleras of Chile, Tejidos de los Desaparecidos (the disappeared), Marjorie Agosin, Ester Hernandez, etc. Below is a link to resources to get you started:
After the discussion, you will have the opportunity to "make" if you'd like, or just work on your individual work.
For our November meeting (Nov. 18th), CLWG will provide a "No Sew" workshop! No previous experience necessary. We are creating a beautiful rebozo!
You may buy your own cloth at, or similar website (so that it arrives in time). You will need 2 yards of fabric.
You may also purchase cloth from Corina. There is a limited amount available – first come, first serve. For this option, please indicate which fabric you’d like on her form.
There is a virtual option, available. If needed, please let me know.