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Using Dryad at Texas Tech: Overview

This guide will show researchers how to upload and curate their data using the Dryad repository.

Why Use Dryad?

Any field. Any format.

Submit data in any file format from any field of research. Share all of the data from a project in one place.

Quality control and assistance.

Our curators will check your files before they are released, and help you follow best practices.

Straightforward compliance.

Submit your data to satisfy publisher and funder requirements for preservation and availability with a minimum effort. We work directly with many publishers -- including Wiley, The Royal Society, and PLOS -- to streamline the process.


Dryad is a nonprofit membership organization that is committed to making data available for research and educational reuse now and into the future. Modest Data Publishing Charges help ensure our sustainability.



Dryad Source Material

This information and more can be found at

What is Dryad?

The Dryad Digital Repository is a curated resource that makes research data discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Dryad provides a general purpose home for a wide diversity of data types.

Dryad originated from an initiative among a group of leading journals and scientific societies to adopt a joint data archiving policy (IDAP) for their publications, and the recognition that open, easy-to-use, community-governed data infrastructure was needed to support such a policy. These remain Dryad's guiding principles.

Dryad's vision is to promote a world where research data is openly available, integrated with the scholarly literature, and routinely re-used to create knowledge.

Dryad's mission is to provide the infrastructure for, and promote the re-use of, data underlying the scholarly literature.

Key Features

  • Flexible about data format, while encouraging the use and further development of research community standards.
  • Fits into the manuscript submission workflow of its partner journals, making data submission easy.
  • Assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to data so that researchers can gain professional credit through data citation.
  • Promotes data visibility through usage and download metrics and by allowing content to be indexed, searched and retrieved.
  • Promotes data quality by employing professional curators to ensure the validity of the files and descriptive information.
  • Contents are free to download and re-use under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.
  • Contents are preserved for the long term to guarantee access to contents indefinitely.
  • Open source, standards-compliant technology.

