Welcome to the Educational and Instructional Technology Research Guide
This guide provides additional research help to the Educational and Instructional Technology Programs (Master, Doctorate, and EdD) at Texas Tech University.
Offers a growing list of over 1,100 titles to help users answer their immediate research need and engage their curiosity. Also included are nearly 2,000 short reference videos, more than 550,000 high-resolution art images, photographs and maps across all subject areas.
"ECAR provides research and analysis about information technology in higher education for IT professionals and higher education leaders. ECAR is the only subscriber-driven research organization dedicated to understanding IT's role in colleges and universities." Includes numerous reports, web articles, info briefs, infographics, and more.
This open digital repository is easy to search and "can help you to discover the latest peer-reviewed research and multimedia presentations, organize your information, share with colleagues, and use as a classroom resource." Helps you find archived conference presentations, selected journal articles and dissertations, and more.
Since 1997, MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning & Online Teaching) has been building "a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community." Use Search to find learning materials in your area of interest.