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ENGR 2331: Professional Communication for Engineers

Sean Millerick

Your Assignment

From your assignment:


"For this class, you are required to write a 2500-word paper, covering some issue/technological development/debate in science and/or engineering. Ideally, this would mirror the theme of the added articles we’ve been reviewing, which is how technology directly impacts our very society and culture. Somewhat following the pattern of those articles, you are asked to take a comparative look at such an issue/development/debate. This should absolutely be a contentious issue, not an already decided one, and you must seriously consider the opposition when making your case. That said, you must make an argument in the end for one position over the other."

This guide will help you with the research aspects of your assignments.

Engineering Resources

Many of you will begin your research using the main search box on the libraries homepage. The University Libraries subscribes to many different databases that this search box will explore.


However, you may find it more helpful to go directly to the databases listed below. These are specialized, topical databases that contain information related to the sciences and to engineering topics.


For newspaper resources specifically, try the following:

Access World News