Welcome to the School Psychology Resources Research Guide. This guide provides supplementary support for the Texas Tech University College of Education (Education Psychology with a Concentration in School Psychology).
Professionally indexed, this database is an extensive collection of psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to the research needs of professionals, students, and educators across the behavioral and social sciences.
Formerly Safari Books, the OReilly for Higher Education digital platform includes more than 38,000 book titles and more than 30,000 hours of video. Topics range from programming to IT networking to project management to graphic design to business strategy.
Document Delivery allows users to request items held by Texas Tech Libraries and libraries around the world. This is a free service for faculty, students, and staff of Texas Tech & Texas Tech Law School.
THEOP is a multi-year study that investigates college planning and enrollment behavior under a policy that guarantees admission to any Texas public college or university to high school seniors who graduate in the top decile of their class.