TTU-CR Restaurant, Hotel & Institutional Management
This guide provides tips and tools for researching and completing assignments within the RHIM (Restaurant, Hotel & Institutional Management) major. Also find information about career paths, clubs and organizations, and more.
The definitive scholarly business database, with coverage from 1886 to the present. Includes company information, company profiles, industry profiles, and market research reports.
Simply a different way of looking at Business Source Complete, the definitive scholarly business database, with coverage from 1886 to the present. Makes it easier to browse/navigate the wealth of Business Source Complete's non-article content, including company profiles, industry profiles, SWOT analyses, and market research reports.
Business information about companies, industries, and the people who lead them. Please use the link to fulltext to find the information in this database.
Formerly Business & Company Resource Center, includes detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports.
Statista aggregates the most important statistics and studies from market researchers, organizations, special publications as well as government platforms. With over 1-million statistics from 600+ areas: market data, consumer data, revenue figures and trends.
an expansive range of SAGE eBook and eReference content alongside SAGE Video, containing over 5,500 titles. Content includes reference works, academic books, professional development titles, business cases and more.
Full bibliographic coverage, monographs dating back to 1949, and journal coverage to 1975, this database contains over 565,000 records and over 200,000 dissertations and theses.
The authority for news and trends in the worlds of fashion, beauty and retail. Featuring daily headlines and breaking news from all Women's Wear Daily publications.
All databases relevant to Hospitality & Retail Management.
Journals and Articles
The TTU Libraries hold a number of print journals, which can also be found through the Library Catalog. In addition to print, patrons can access several E-Journals online.