When you are ready to submit your data with Dryad, start by reviewing Dryad's best practices for creating FAIR data publications or if you're in a hurry, Dryad's quickstart guide to data sharing.
1.) Log into Dryad using previously established instructions on the Dryad Login page.
2.) Select "Start New Dataset" to begin the submission process for your dataset.
3.) Choose whether your data is related to a manuscript or published article by choosing one of the following radio buttons:
A.) A Manuscript in Progress: you can enter the Journal Name and Manuscript Number for your manuscript. If the journal you have submitted your manuscript with works with Dryad, click the Import Manuscript Metadata button to download the metadata from the journal.
B.) A Published Article: You can enter the Journal Name and DOI for your article and then click the "Import Article Metadata" button to download metadata about the article from ORCID ID and CrossRef.
C.) Other or not applicable: You can simply start by entering information about your dataset. Basic Information heading, First Name, Last Name, Institutional Affiliation, and Author Email will already be filled in based on your ORCID ID.
4.) Add any Additional Authors using the "Add Author" button.
5.) Add an Abstract for the dataset.
6.) Click on the arrow on the left hand side of the screen to open the Data Description heading.
7.) Enter the following metadata elements:
Keywords: Enter keywords that describe your data. Use a comma to separate each word or phrase. You can also enter important terms from any standards, controlled vocabularies, or ontologies that you specified in your Data Management Plan.
Methods: Enter a description of the methods used to collect and process your dataset. You may want to use descriptions from your Data Management Plan here as well.
Usage Notes: Enter the information someone would need to know in order to use your dataset. Be sure to include any necessary software and be sure to note the names of files containing codebooks or ReadMe files that will be necessary to understand the data. Be sure to upload those files along with the dataset.
Funding: Enter one or more funding agencies as well as any award numbers for each agency.
Related Works: Enter one or more related works to the dataset. From the drop-down "Relationship" menu, choose the relationship between the dataset and related work, and whenever possible, include identifiers to the related work. From "ID Type" drop-down menu, choose the type of identifier and then enter the identifier.
8.) Click the "Proceed to Upload" button.
9.) On the next page you can upload data files either from your computer or by providing a URL for where the files are located on an external server like Dropbox, Amazon, or TTU OneDrive.
10.) Click the "Proceed to Review" button. If there are any required elements missing from your submission, a big red box will appear at the top of the screen to let you know what you must add in order to submit your dataset.
11.) Review the following elements before submitting the dataset:
Review Description: In addition to reviewing the description of the dataset that you have provided, this is also where you will get the DOI has has been assigned to your dataset and what the citation for your dataset looks like. Be sure it includes all of the necessary information.
Review Data Files: In addition to the files containing your data, be sure that any files that are required for understanding and working with your data are also included.
Enable Private for Peer Review: Check the box next to "Keep my dataset private while my related article is in peer review" if your Data Management Plan included an embargo on making the data public during your article's peer review. The default embargo is for six months and the dataset will not go through curation until the embargo ends.
Agree to Terms: Check the boxes next to the terms. Be sure to review Dryad's Terms of Service.
License: Dryad only accepts datasets under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication License. If you cannot agree to this license, do not submit your dataset.
Payment: There are no fees for uploading a dataset as part of TTU's Institutional Dryad Membership.
12.) Click the "Submit" button.
13.) Once your dataset is submitted and any embargoes are lifted, your dataset will go to curation by Dryad. During this time, it is important not to edit your dataset as that will remove your dataset from the curation queue and make it appear as though it is not ready for curation.
14.) You can begin to upload files or fill out the dataset metadata without submitting the data. The next time you login to Dryad, click on the "My Datasets" link in the left hand menu and this will allow you to see, edit, or delete any of your datasets that have not been submitted to Dryad.