El hijo mayor del diablo rosado : diario mercantil político y literario 1828
El hijo menor del diablo rosado : diario mercantil político y literario 1828
El hijo negro del diablo rosado : diario mercantil político y literario 1828
El iris : diario del medio día : político, literario y mercantil 1833
Newspaper of the breadworker's union
Communist and anarchist newspaper
Newspapers from the Province of Santa Fe.
Communist newspaper
A digital collection of anarchist, socialist and communist newspapers published in Buenos Aires during the late 19th century. As of April 2013, it contained La Protesta Humana. The final project will include various other newspapers
Liga Liberal órgano oficial de la sociedad de este nombre en la provincia de Buenos Aires 1897
Also includes other early Bermuda newspapers.
Includes quite a few newspapers, mostly from Sao Paulo state, but some from outside that area
Includes some newspapers from the countryside in Rio de Janeiro state.
As of June 2013 this was freely accessible, but it may be restricted to subscribers only in the future. It includes Folha da Noite and Folha da Manha
Cuban newspapers and magazines, primarily published before 1923.
Many issues are missing
This file includes scattered issues.
El duende: periódico de combate, joco-serio y de variedades 1903
El misántropo : semanario independiente, de noticias, variedades y anuncios 1897
El partido liberal : diario de política, literatura, comercio y anuncios 1886-1890, 1896
Fragmento de la linterna ... : pequeña publicación que servirá para decir cuatro frescas 1872-1873
English and Spanish language newspapers from Arizona, California, Texas and Mexico. The Mexican newspapers are all from Sonora.
Published for the employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission