Library Account
Use your eRaider username and password to access your Libraries patron account to review current and past loans. The standard faculty loan period for most materials is 365 days.
University ID
Use your University ID (Raider Card) to checkout items from the Libraries.
Off-Campus Access to Electronic Resources
If you are accessing electronic resources from off-campus, use your eRaider username and password to authenticate.
Document Delivery / Interlibrary Loan (DocDel/ILL)
To start using DocDel / ILL, you will first need to use your eRaider to set up an ILLIAD account.
All physical items are delivered to faculty mailboxes unless you specify that you would like items to be available for you to pick-up at the Architecture Library.
HCOA El Paso Faculty
To make sure that your DocDel/ILL requests are accurately routed to you in El Paso, select the following within the 'Change User/Personal Information' menu of your Illiad account:
Physical titles will be mailed to you via FedEx. When you are ready to return the titles, you need to send an email to to request a return FedEx label and include an approximate weight (in lbs) of the package.