Examples of SPE Styles are as follows, and their entire style guide is linked here. More examples are also listed in this guide.
Paper Submitted for Review, Not Yet Accepted/Published
Abedi, J., Kariznovi, M., and Nourozieh, H. In press. Measurement and Correlation of Viscosity and Density for Compressed Athabasca Bitumen at Temperatures up to 200°C. J Can Pet Technol (submitted 17 November 2013).
Conference Paper (-MS)
White, C. D. and Horne, R. N. 1987. Computing Absolute Transmissibility in the Presence of Fine-Scale Heterogeneity. Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 1–4 February. SPE-16011-MS. https://doi.org/10.2118/16011-MS.
Direct-to-Peer Papers (Non-Conference), Not Found On OnePetro
Johnson, B. 1990. Reservoir Management. Paper SPE 36514 available from SPE, Richardson, Texas.
Published Journal Article Not Available From OnePetro
Diamond, D. 1991. High Pressure Leaks and How to Plug Them. SPE J. 6 (1): 112–114.
Discussion/Reply to a Published Paper
Peaceman, D. W. 1990. Further Discussion of Productivity of a Horizontal Well. SPE Res Eng 5 (3):437–438. SPE-20799-DS. https://doi.org/10.2118/18298-PA.
NOTE: For papers that have the discussion/reply as a separate document, as in the above example, use individual discussion's SPE number, if different from that of main paper, but always use DOI of main paper. Most papers, however, will have the discussion/reply included in the paper’s online PDF and should just be cited as a section of the paper, as in the examples below.
Civan, F. 2010. Discussion of a Consistent and Accurate Dead-Oil-Viscosity Method. SPE Res Eval & Eng 13 (4): 815–840 (discussion follows paper). SPE-110194-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/110194-PA.
Davis, E. G. Jr. and Hawkins, M. F. Jr. 1963. Linear Fluid-Barrier Detection by Well Pressure Measurements (includes associated discussion and reply). J Pet Technol 15 (10): 1077–1079. SPE-462-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/462-PA.
JPT Article (Paper Highlights), Not Found in OnePetro
Denney, D. 2005. Slick-Water and Hybrid Fracturing Treatments: Lessons Learned (contains highlights of paper SPE 89876, prepared for the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition by M. M. Sharma, P. B. Gadde, R. Sullivan, R. Sigal, R. Fielder, D. Copeland, L. Griffin, and L. Weijers). J Pet Technol 57 (3): 38–40.