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Engineering Grad Student Seminars

Guide for Graduate Students in the Whitacre College of Engineering

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Engineering Graduate Student Seminars

As a graduate student at Texas Tech, you will be doing intense research. You might find the following guides helpful. We also offer many different workshops on how to conduct research using the libraries databases, how to conduct literature reviews, managing and tracking citations, and other workshops of interest.

Here is a link to the Libraries Calendar of workshops and events

Other Guides that you might find useful

The best thesis defense is a good thesis offense. This is an XKCD comic, where a woman stick figure draws a sword and says "In conclusion, AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" and waves the sword at her dissertation committee.

Getting Started

This guide details various ways of measuring research impact, particularly through traditional means of publishing and citation.  Before you begin to delve into the various citation metrics, we recommend you do the following three things:

  • Sign up for an ORCID Identifier:  The Open Researcher Community ID is an increasingly recognized persistent digital identifier.  The unique number assigned to you will allow publishers and aggregators of scholarly literature to distinguish you from researchers with similar names.  This is a powerful tool in author disambiguation and it takes just a few minutes to sign up. Go to and follow the instructions to register for your ORCID identifier.
  • Get a ResearcherID with Web of Science:  A ResearcherID can be linked to your ORCID number and facilitates citation metrics and publication tracking using Web of Science tools.  With a ResearcherID, you will be included in the Web of Science author index allowing other researchers to learn more about your work and affiliations.  
  • Create a Google Scholar Citations Profile:  Google scholar citations allows authors to track citations to their scholarly works and to calculate numerous citation metrics based on Google Scholar citation data.  By setting up a profile, you will be able to disambiguate yourself from authors with the same or similar names.  For more information, see the Google Scholar page in this Library Guide.
  • Create an OSF Profile: OSF is part of the Open Science Foundation. Many researchers use this platform to create and work on projects privately or publicly as a collaboration tool.


This information on this guide is being borrowed from the fantastic guide from Cornell University.