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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is the study of teaching and learning processes and how they relate to one another to enhance student learning and improve the quality of higher education.

yellow lit room with floor to ceiling bookshelves and a desk   Welcome to the Texas Tech University Library's LibGuide for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


Here you will find information about how to locate books, articles, and other resources to support your research and teaching. Please feel free to contact your Personal Librarian for help with locating or using any of these resources. We are here to help and look forward to making sure that you find what you need.


Image Credit: "Comfortable Research" by Joel Bedford is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Finding Books

Books about the scholarship of teaching and learning that are part of  TTU Library's collection by searching OneSearch on the library's home page or the Library Catalog  search link below.

To find books that are available in other library's collections, a search in will return a list of titles that are owned by other libraries. These can be borrowed by requesting them through the Document Delivery option on TTU Library's home page.

Other options for locating books include Google Books and the Open Textbook Library.

Web Resources