Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses by Karin HartmannAccording to a recentAmerican study, sexism and racism are so widespread in architecturethat there is a distaste for these topics within the branch itself. Whatare the reasons for this exclusionary working culture? Even in Germany,most architecture graduates since the turn of the millennium have beenfemale--but a large number of conventions and assumptions within thediscipline make it difficult for women to remain in the profession. As aresult, a great deal of highly trained talent is lost. Black Turtleneck, Round Glassesuses an intersectional feminist perspective to examine the structuralcauses that push women--and anyone else who isn't a white cis man--out ofthe branch. How can architectural teaching and discourse as well as theindustry's self-image become more diverse? Where are the experiences of apluralistic society missing from the built environment? How can webring about cultural change in planning and architecture? Featuring an interview with the Dutch architect Afaina de Jong