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Toolkit for Planning a University System-Wide Open Education Week Event: Determine Interest

This will serve as a toolkit for open education advocates and practioners in the higher education space who are interested in planning a system-wide event for Open Education Week.

digital cartoon image of two hands reaching out with palms up on the far left and right of the image. The left hand has 3 question marks above it. The right hand has 3 light bulbs above it

Reach Out

In order to determine if the other institutions were interested in particpating, you will have to reach out to someone at the institution who likely has some knowledge about open education. This will usually be someone in the institution's library. The easiest way to do this is to send a quick email but then the question is-who do you send the email too? What job titles should you look for? Here are a couple of suggestions:

  • OER/Open Education Librarian
  • Scholarly Communications Librarian
  • Digital Initiatives Librarian
  • Digital Services Librarian
  • Scholarly Publishing Librarian
  • Library Director (Dean of Libraries)


Digital image of a group meeting and the people are silhouetted. Above the people, there are images of talking bubbles in solid colors. The colors of the talking bubbles from left to right are green, light blue, yellow, orange, and like pink

Form a Group

A university system-wide event will have a lot more moving parts because more stakeholders are now involved. While some Open Education Week events can be run soley by an OER/Open Education Librarian, it is not recommended to plan a system-wide event alone. After determining interest, the next step will be to form a group to plan the event if a group does not already exist. As you are forming your group, keep these questions in mind:

  • Will the group consist of only librarians?
  • Will the group only have representation from the host institution?
  • If representatives are needed from the other institutions, how many from each institution?
  • Do all stakeholders need to be involved in the planning group?