Lending is Texas Tech Library materials going to other libraries. We ship loan requests and scan article requests. If your institution is not affiliated with OCLC, please contact our office for more information on how to submit a request directly.
Transactions that are 8 weeks overdue or more will be sent to Billing Pending.
Before being billed, several different shelf checks are performed on the requests in question. If not found, the borrowing library will be billed. The actual bill is sent out to the borrowing school/library and our business office, which is where the records and transaction process for the monetary transfer is accomplished.
If we have received payment or a replacement book, then a confirmation email is sent to both our business office and the school/library associated with the bill.
Replacement books sent in lieu of the fee should be exact replacements of the same edition and need to show which ILL request number they are in reference to.
The replacement fee for lost or damaged Texas Tech items is $125.
Awaiting Article Request Processing: A selection of pages has been requested and we first look to see if we can find it online. If we find it online then we deliver it, if not we check if it is in our stacks and then assign a call number so it can be pulled from the stacks
Awaiting Call Number Review: Loan and article requests that already have a call number assigned to them that needs to be searched for in the stacks
Awaiting Cancellation Book Checked Out: A loan request is currently checked out by another patron and this request will be cancelled
Awaiting Cancellation Review: Loan requests that need to be searched for in the catalogue and assigned a call number
Awaiting Conditional Response: Items in this status are awaiting staff response to the conditional requests
Awaiting GWLA Article Processing: The same process as Awaiting Article Request Processing, but due to its shipping method it has a higher priority level and will be searched for first
Awaiting Lending Request Processing: A temporary queue for requests until they are sorted into more specific queues
Awaiting Lending Scanning: An article request has been found and is being prepared to be scanned and delivered to the borrower
Awaiting Odyssey Sending: Items in this status have been scanned and are about to be sent to the borrower
Awaiting Occams Reader Processing: Items in this status are requests for ebooks we have in our system. The delivery process closely resembles an article delivery, but is accomplished thru Occams Reader.
Awaiting RAPID Holdings Lookup: A temporary queue for RAPID requests until they are sorted into more specific queues
Awaiting Stacks Searching: After a loan or article request has been assigned a call number it is routed here until pull slips are printed
Billing Pending: Items in this status are being actively searched for on our shelves, prior to being billed and routed to Sent to Billing
Cancelled by ILL Staff: Items in this status have been sent to the next school on the lending string. If you are seeing this status, that means we were unable to fill this request
In Stacks Searching: Requests from Awaiting Stacks Searching are routed here and are being pulled from the stacks
Item Shipped: Loan requests are delivered via the preferred shipping method of the borrower and article requests are scanned and sent to the borrower
Odyssey Sending Failed: An Odyssey article request has failed to send properly
Renewal Request Processing: A library is asking for a renewal on the material that they borrowed from Texas Tech.
Request Conditionalized: Items in this status have a concern that needs to be addressed before we can continue to fill and/or cancel the request
Request Finished: Items in this status have been completed
Sent to Billing: Items in this status are currently 8 weeks overdue, and have been notified via Email that they are being charged for lost book/replacement costs