I received an email asking for more information. What does that mean?
This means we need further information to help us find the correct item. The email sent will usually include specific questions or information that would help us in our search. If you do not know this information, please let us know as much as you can and we will do what we can to help.
Why was my request cancelled?
There are many reasons a request may be cancelled. These are the most common.
I think my cancellation was in error. How can I fix it? or How can I keep future requests from being cancelled?
Check the email sent to see why your request was cancelled. In most cases, the best course of action is to submit a new request with a more complete citation. If you are requesting an article include the journal title, volume number, issue number, year of publication, author(s), and the article title. If you are requesting a book include the book title, year of publication, author(s), publishers, and edition you are seeking. Including the ISBN or ISSN for your request can also help us find your items faster. If you are not sure that your information is correct or you are not sure where to put information, please include additional information in the notes field.
I'm not sure how to ask for the item I need. What should I do?
If you are unsure how to request rare, unusual, or hard to find items, you are welcome to stop by our office and discuss your potential request with our staff. We can give suggestions on the kinds of information that will help us find what you are looking for and recommend the best way to request it.
How long will it take for the book to arrive?
The popularity of the item and how many libraries hold the item, determines how long it will take for the item to arrive. If the item is a common title and held by many libraries, it may only take a few days. If the item is a rare or old book and only a few libraries hold it, it may take two to four weeks. Shipping time may be affected by consortial agreements and couriers used.
Who decides when my item is due?
The library from which we borrowed the item decides the due date. Due dates for items from other libraries range from two weeks to three months. Due dates for Texas Tech items are determined by your patron status.
How do I renew my item?
On the ILLiad home page, on the left column under ‘View,’ click Check Out Items/Renewed Items. Click on the Transaction Number associated with the item you wish to renew. On the top left corner of the request, click ‘Renew Request.’ In two to three business days, you will receive an email with the due date. If you have trouble, please contact our office for assistance.
Who decides the renewal date?
The lending library decides if the item is renewed and the date of the renewal. Renewal dates can range from one week to a month. Each item can only be renewed once.
Can I keep this item longer?
Each item can only be renewed once. If you need the item past its given or renewed due date, you are welcome to submit a new request for the same title.
Why is my item Library Use Only? Can I get a copy that isn't?
Most Library Use Only items are designated as such by the lending library or in a format that does not travel well. This may be because they are rare, in poor condition, or held by an archival institution like the Library of Congress. Additionally, microfilm and microfiche is usually Library Use Only. Circulating copies of these items are not always available. Often, we have received a Library Use Only copy because the item is uncommon.
How does Library Use Only work?
When you would like to use your Library Use Only items, bring your Texas Tech ID to our office. We will hold your ID while you use the item and return your ID when you are done for the day. Library Use Only items are held until the marked due date. To avoid confusion, please pick up and drop off Library Use Only items in our office during business hours whenever possible.
Why is my account blocked? How do I get unblocked?
Your account is blocked because you have an item that is over 8 days overdue. In order to be unblocked, you must return any overdue items. If you have any problems or questions, please contact our office.
I’ve been billed for an overdue item. How do I pay for this bill? Can I bring a replacement instead?
Library fines are processed through Student Business Services and must be paid through them. Alternatively, you may provide an exact replacement in new or like new condition. If you choose to bring a replacement, please bring the item to our office with your name and transaction number [TN] of the lost or damaged book if available.
I'm having trouble with my Document Delivery account. What should I do?
Please contact our office with details on the issues you are having and we will do our best to assist you.