Recommended textbook: Problem Solving and Program Design in C by Hanly and Koffman; 2016, 8th Edition, Person Publishing
Note: check the 180 subscription expiration date and purchase access so that you have it for the entire semester.
Required textbook: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. (3rd Ed). Timothy A. Budd. Oregon State University.
Required textbook: Kenneth D. Louden & Kenneth A. Lambert. 2011. Programming Languages: Principles and Practice (3rd ed.). Cengage.
Recommended textbook: Robert W. Sebesta. 2012. Concepts of Programming Languages (10th ed.). Pearson.
Recommended textbook: Michael L. Scott. 2016. Programming Language Pragmatics, (4th ed.). Morgan Kaufmann.
Required textbook: Computer Organization & Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface by Patterson & Hennessy, 1st ed. 2017, 9780135102268, Morgan Kaufmann /Elsevier