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TTU-CR Course Materials

Provides general and specific information to students taking classes at TTU-CR regarding their textbook requirements and recommendations.

RETL 3310

RETL 3310: Fashion Styling (Ruiz)

Required textbook: Style Wise By Burns-Tran & Davis, 2nd ed. 9781501323829 (ebook w/Studio).

  • Purchase through Amazon
  • Purchase through Fairchild Book Store

RETL 3395

RETL 3395: Internship in Retail Services (Fonseca)

No required textbook.

RETL 4335

RETL 4335: Web-Based Retail (Slattery)

Required Materials:

  • This course uses a digital textbook, Digital Marketing Essentials. ISBN-13: 978-0-692-22688-9--, that can be purchased via the Stukent link provided below
  • Lab Manuals for the MimicPro simulation platform are also available on Stukent via the Stukent link provided below 
    • The Stukent platform contents are offered in a bundle that includes quizzes and videos
  • Course OER Textbook: This course also has content mapped to an Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook which can be accessed free of charge at: eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing by Rob Stokes and The Minds at Quirk,
    shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license at: 

RETL 3385

RETL 3385: Fashion and Design Analysis (Ruiz)

Required textbook: Ready-to-Wear Apparel Analysis by Patty Brown & Janett Rice, 2014, 4th ed, ISBN: 9780133109894