Recommended textbook: College Algebra, 8th Edition by Robert Blitzer; Pearson Publishing.
Required textbook: Trigonometry; Hornsby, Schneider, Daniels, 12th edition, ISBN-13: 9780136847694, Pearson
Recommended textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry (Ch 7 - 11), OpenStax, 2nd edition, 2023, ISBN-13: 978-1-951693-40-4 + Aktiv homework platform
Required textbook: Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences by Harshbarger, Reynolds, and Ritchey, 12th edition, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-337-63055-9, WebAssign version w/ebook, Cengage.
Note: You might need a special Cengage link through which you can provide foreign billing information (U.S. shipping addresses might also be required even if nothing is actually shipped. This special direct link is provided below.
Required textbook: Calculus by K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda; 7th Edition.
Note: eBook package is accessible for 180 days at a time.
Note: The same textbook is used for Calculus I, II, and III so please consider this when choosing a formats and purchase/rental options.
Note: You will also use TTU’s math homework tool, WebWork. Check your syllabus or ask your professor for access details. It is available to you free of charge.
Recommened textbook: Calculus Vol 1, Openstax, ISBN-13: 978-1-938168-02-4
Required textbook: Calculus by K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda; 7th Edition.
Note: eBook package is accessible for 180 days at a time.
Note: The same textbook is used for Calculus I, II, and III so please consider this when choosing a formats and purchase/rental options.
Note: You will also access TTU’s math homework tool, WebWork. Check your syllabus or ask your professor for access details. It is available to you free of charge.
Required textbook: Basic Practice of Statistics; Moore, Knotz, Fligner; 9th Edition; eText ISBN 9781319383954, 13199383955
Recommended textbooks:
Introductory Business Statistics 2e, OpenStax, ISBN-13: 978-1-961584-33-4
Elementary Statistics; Weiss; 9th Edition, eText ISBN 9780321989505, 0321989503
Required textbook: Calculus by K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda; 7th Edition.
Note: eBook package is accessible for 180 days at a time.
Note: The same textbook is used for Calculus I, II, and III so please consider this when choosing a formats and purchase/rental options.
Note: You will also access TTU’s math homework tool, WebWork. Check your syllabus or ask your professor for access details. It is available to you free of charge.