All instructors are asked to take a close look at student progress for each class every semester. Review attendance logs and student performance and raise an alert to the student success and intervention team as follows:
Starting off on the right foot is essential to student success. Alert the team regarding students who do not have their required course materials, are not logging into Blackboard and/or homework platforms and submitting work, or who are not attending class.
Try to structure your course to have a key assessment or around 20% of points available in or around week 5 to gauge student success. If a student is struggling, raise an alert regarding the situation so a student success team member may reach out to the student to offer support and services.
Alert the student success team and the students regarding their mid-term progress. If a student is in danger of failing, there still may be time for them to turn it around.
If a student does not have a mathematical possibliity to pass a class, consult with the student about their academic standing and refer them to their advisor. Raise an alert indicating that you recommend dropping a class. Dropping a class must be completed before the specified deadline and can be beneficial in some cases.
Remember that all comments will be seen by students and their support network.