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TTU-CR Faculty Corner

Faculty in and teaching for the TTU-Costa Rica campus can access information related to library access, Blackboard basics, Raider Success Hub, Classroom Technology, Textbook adoption, and more.

Textbooks and other Course Materials

Instructors may chose their required or recommended course materials at their discretion and in coordination with the broader department on the main campus (Lubbock, TX). Choosing materials available in electronic formats is very important for accessibility by our students as shipping into the country is difficult and costly. Adopting low and no-cost materials, like OERs are highly encouraged.

  • Common publishers include, but are not limited to: Cengage, Pearson, McGraw-Hill, Kendal-Hunt
  • Common vendors include, but are not limited to: TTU Bookstore (Lubbock), VitalSource, Amazon
  • Publishers often allow free electronic access to instructor packets and textbooks when available. Instructor preview copies might also be requested; contact the TTU-Costa Rica Librarian for assistance if needed.


  1. Choose materials according to the above 
  2. Notify the TTU-Costa Rica Librarian of your choice(s) at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the semester during which the material is needed
  3. Verify that information provided online is correct
  4. Add the material requirements (and/or recommendations) to the course syllabus
  5. Inform students of these requirements on or before the first day of class and assist with their access if possible